Project Management is not just a skill. It is the result of art and science combined together. Projects are becoming complex as technologies are changing. Attention to project planning and execution adhering to right project management methodologies delivers projects that remain in-line with time and budget.

Adaptive approach at Agape combines implementation of standard project management best practices with art of managing conflicts, changes, expectations and more. We help you find and implement right processes and tools.

Our range of project management solutions – Hardware, Software, Networks, Wireless and Wired Access, Virtual and Remote Assets, Data Centre and Storage facilities.

Experienced Agape project managers are skilled and equipped to deal with interdependent integrations, rapid technology upgrades and compatible version changes.

Agape project management methodology
Water fall | Iterative | Agile

Project Management Lifecycle and roles of Agape

Initiation | Planning | Execution | Monitor and Control

Initiation – Project Charter, Project Scope, Project Objectives, Stake Holder Involvement, Project Expectations.

Planning – Organized Project Task list by Phases, Project Timeline, Allocate Project Resources, Estimate Project Costs, Asses Potential Project Risks.

Execution – Project Meetings, Stakeholder Communications.

Monitor & Control – Identify & Mitigate Project Risk, Track Key Performance Indicators, Manage Documentation, Project Know Status, Project Scope Creep.

Identified causes for project failure

  • Inappropriate project team
  • No end user management
  • lack of project management skills
  • Inadequate communication to stakeholders
  • Inadequate control and reporting